
Current Series

What is true? How do you know? Where did everything come from? How did God design us and how should we live? Does biological gender matter? What about marriage? What is wrong with the world, and us? How can it be fixed?

Do you have clarity about these issues? Are you confident in what you believe? Come be encouraged by the unshakable foundations of the Christian worldview!

Upcoming Titles

9. The Promise

After the foundational teachings in Genesis 1-11, the rest of Genesis focuses on one family - the family of Abraham. We meet him in chapter 12 and the rest of the Bible follows the story of his descendants, all the way to Jesus. In Genesis 12 God makes some...

8. The Flood

Noah's Ark and the Flood is one of the most familiar stories in the Bible. But we don't often reflect on the stark and sobering warning this account provides. The refrain of Genesis six is "And the Lord saw... and the Lord said..." God sees every sinful act as well as...

7. The Fall

Why is there evil and suffering in the world? Why do we continue to struggle with temptation and sin? The answers are in Genesis 3 in an event called "The Fall." When Adam and Eve ate from the tree from which God had commanded them not to eat, everything changed in...

6. One Man, One Woman

The central institution God built into creation and planned for the flourishing of civilization was marriage. His plan and instructions give clear direction for this union to be between one man and one woman for a lifetime. Genesis 1-2 show us three gifts of marriage:...

5. Male and Female

Part of God's good original creation was the assignment of gender. "Male and female, he created them" (Genesis 1:27). There is a deliberate and beautiful order to creation: 1) God formed everything, including you and me; 2) God filled everything and; 3) God named...

4. The Goodness of Creation

Every day we are confronted with the visual of a new tragedy – something we observe on the news or hear from a friend. With the overwhelming volume of heartache around us, we can sometimes struggle to see the goodness of God. This Sunday, we are invited back to...

3. The Creator

The foundation for our worldview is God as He has made Himself known in His Word. The first thing God reveals in Scripture is that He is the Creator. Knowing that God made everything, including us, should move us to 1) praise His limitless power and creativity; 2)...

2. God Spoke

The foundation for the Christian worldview is God and His Word. The two are inseparable. We know God because He spoke. We trust in the Word of God because they show us the faithfulness and righteousness of God. How do we know what is true and real about God, the world...

1. God Is

What is God like? Where do you find truth? What is the purpose of life? Why is there evil and suffering in the world? These are worldview questions that we will seek to answer in a new series called Foundations. For nine weeks we will explore the basic beliefs that...

What are the foundational beliefs on which our faith and purpose rest? How do those core convictions compare with other prominent worldviews?

The fact is that everyone has a worldview. Everyone lives based on beliefs about God, truth, morality, purpose and eternity. Everyone has assumptions and draws conclusions about the problems in the world and the best solutions to them.

The first question of any worldview relates to truth. What is true? What is real? How do you know? Your ideas about God immediately follow from this point of departure. Is it true that there is a God? What kind of God? How do you know?