(813) 969-2303 office@oakwoodfl.org

This page contains values 4 – 6.

For the winter and Spring of 2022 we will explore our Core Values as a church. These six priorities influence all we believe and do as Christians and as a church. 1) Biblically Grounded; 2) Prayerfully Dependent; 3) Gospel Centered; 4) Relationally Connected; 5) Empowering Everyone; 6) Multiplying Disciplemakers. We will spend 3-8 weeks on each value, seeking to apply them in our lives and our ministries!

Our mission expresses WHY we exist. The pathway shows WHAT we do. Our core values define HOW we go about our mission and the manner in which we implement our strategy. These values are the convictions and priorities that undergird and infuse all we do. They represent the culture we seek to develop at our church. Our values are “The Oakwood Way.” 

Values Part 6 – Multiplying Disciplemakers (messages 22 – 25)

Values Part 5 – Empowering Everyone (messages 19 – 21)

Values Part 4 – Relationally Connected (messages 16 – 18)

25. Raise a Generation

Paul left his apprentice, Titus, in Crete to organize the church and appoint elders in every town. The young leader´s assignment was to raise up a generation of new leaders. Paul showed him three keys to accomplishing this: 1) Customize training for each individual;...

24. Preach the Word

As we continue our study of our final core value, Multiplying Disciple-Makers, this Sunday we look at Paul’s final and most important charge to his protégé, Timothy: Preach the Word! When most of us first consider this calling for our own lives, we apprehensively shy...

23. Invest in a Few

Paul charged Timothy to invest in faithful leaders who would go on to teach others (2 Tim. 2:2), then he showed his apprentice how to multiply disciplemakers. This was Jesus’ master plan to change the world - invest in a few faithful men that the masses would follow....

22. The Character of a Disciple-Maker

This Sunday we will begin a four-week discussion on our final core value: Multiplying Disciple-Makers. We believe everyone is called to not only share the Gospel but train others to share the Gospel. This expectation with time will move us from a movement of addition...

21. One Body, One Spirit

The apostle Paul's concern in 1 Corinthians is unity. The believers there were increasingly divided over the use of supernatural gifts and were lining up behind the leader that represented their preferences. It was then very much as it is now in modern America! So...

20. Build Up the Body

God gave spiritual gifts to build up the body of Christ, not the individual believer. If we are to function as the supernatural, world-changing community Jesus intends the church to be, there are three essential steps we must take: 1) grow up in our attitudes; 2)...

19. Empowered Ministry

The movement of this sermon flows out of God’s mercy. God’s mercy motivates our ministry. It’s the reason we can offer our bodies to Him as living sacrifices. Because Christ gave His life for us, we can freely give our lives to His service. We are all part of His body...

18. Overflowing Love

The writing of John overflows with love. His experience as “the one Jesus loved” completely changed him from one of the “sons of thunder” into the apostle of compassion. So he wrote to the “Beloved,” imploring us to rest in the infinite love of God and to let that...

17. Trinitarian Love

Relationships matter! Before his death Jesus gave his disciples one clear command: “Love one another.” 1 John 4 reminds believers of this command and calls us to love as we have been loved. God’s very nature is love since He has eternally existed as Father, Son and...

16. A New Love

This Sunday we start a new series on our fourth core value at Oakwood: Relationally Connected. As much as we as a church want to be connected, sometimes our differences and disagreements create separation. How do we find a way forward? This weekend we will open 1 John...