(813) 969-2303 office@oakwoodfl.org

In the previous post we saw that every believer has a bullseye in terms of people to reach with the gospel (Acts 17:27) and projects you are uniquely equipped to perform (Eph. 2:10).

At the center of your bullseye are your family relationships. If you are married, your first priority is to love and serve your spouse as a living illustration of Christ’s love for the church (Eph. 5:32). If you have children, they are the first disciples you are commissioned by Jesus to make. Next come the  members of your extended family. That is the inner circle of your target.

The next ring includes your neighbors and the nations. All of us are called to love and reach out to the people closest to us in terms of where we live, work and play. And we have been sent to make disciples of all nations – so all Christians share the responsibility to support the spread of the gospel to the ends of the earth. For some this means relocating to a place that needs a greater gospel witness. For all of us it means intentional prayer, sacrificial giving and compassionate outreach where we are.

“Whatever you do, do it well for the glory of God, and do it some place strategic for the kingdom.” J.D. Greear, Gaining by Losing

Increasingly it is not traditional missionaries that are most needed to bring the gospel to the remaining unreached people groups, as these areas tend to be closed to overt outside influence. So the most useful gospel workers who can enter these otherwise closed countries are business people who can ply their trade in places like the Middle East or southeast Asia, seeking to share Christ with their new associates, neighbors and friends.

People should be our top priority. Projects will often supplement our relational outreach. Good deeds can pave the way for the good news. The work God has prepared for each of us to do involves both our vocational path and our volunteer efforts. If God has gifted you in business, make as much money as you can to give away as much as you can. If God has made you a “people person” leverage your relationships for kingdom impact. If God has given you a sharp mind, use it to share your knowledge with others. If God designed you to work with your hands, devote yourself to works of service to touch the lives of people.

“Now go find your team. Get to work.Whatever that work is that you find worth doing. Do it, and find some people to love who’ll do it with you.” Leslie Knope, Parks and Rec

Leslie is on to something, only missing that key piece of divine design and direction. Find the work God has uniquely created you to accomplish and link arms with some brothers and sisters in your church so you can serve and reach out together!