(813) 969-2303 office@oakwoodfl.org

For the winter and Spring of 2022 we will explore our Core Values as a church. These six priorities influence all we believe and do as Christians and as a church. 1) Biblically Grounded; 2) Prayerfully Dependent; 3) Gospel Centered; 4) Relationally Connected; 5) Empowering Everyone; 6) Multiplying Disciplemakers. We will spend 3-8 weeks on each value, seeking to apply them in our lives and our ministries!

Our mission expresses WHY we exist. The pathway shows WHAT we do. Our core values define HOW we go about our mission and the manner in which we implement our strategy. These values are the convictions and priorities that undergird and infuse all we do. They represent the culture we seek to develop at our church. Our values are “The Oakwood Way.” 

Values Part 3 – Gospel Centered (messages 10 – 15)

Values Part 2 – Prayerfully Dependent (messages 4-9)

Values Part 1 – Biblically Grounded (messages 1-3)

Ministers of Reconciliation – 2 Corinthians 5

Why is reconciliation such a big deal? Oftentimes we feel hurt, wronged, and choose to hold a grudge rather than repair a relationship. Some of us know friends or family who went to the grave holding a grudge that took place decades prior! Praise God this is NOT how...

3. Scripture Alone

You cannot have two authorities - one must come first, one must be supreme. We consult reason, science, and church tradition, but Scripture is ultimate because it is the reliable and infallible word of God. Isaiah 55 shows us three blessings that can only come from...

2. The Word of God

What is the Bible? How should we treat this holy book? Paul encourages his apprentice, Timothy, with a reminder about what the Bible is and what the Bible does. The Bible is God’s inspired, inerrant and sufficient revelation. And the Bible gives us five wonderful...

1. The Firm Foundation

Jesus made it clear that the only way to have security now and forever is to hear His teachings and obey them. What does it mean to hear and obey Jesus’ words? First we will see that Jesus’ teachings fulfill the Old Testament and focus on the good news of His saving...