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8. The Flood

8. The Flood October 3, 2021 - Genesis 6 The Flood by Pastor Darin Anderson | Foundations http://www.oakwoodfl.org/site/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/message-10.03.21.m4a Noah’s Ark and the Flood is one of the most familiar stories in the Bible. But we don’t...


The Bible Project helpfully summarizes and illustrates how Judges presents the story of Israel’s Total Failure. This was one of the darkest times in Israel’s history – a time of chaos, rebellion and judgment. But it was also a time of deliverance as God kept on...

The Ultimate Smuggler

The Greeks built a large wooden horse and abandoned it with a lone soldier who explained to the Trojans that it was an offering for Athena to atone for previous desecrations of her temple by the Greeks. Several people warned the Trojans, but in the end they pulled the...

On the Mortification of Sin

John Owen was a Puritan preacher who understood the nature of sin and the need to be ruthless in our fight against it. Click here to read more quotes from Owen. A few of my favorites are below. Let no man pretend to fear sin that does not fear temptation also! These...

Jesus is Better

The battle with temptation and sin is the battle to believe that Jesus is better. Every temptation holds out a promise of something better: a superior pleasure, a preferable path to happiness, a safer choice, a more comfortable option. The very first temptation the...