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Gospel E.Q.

Emotional Intelligence 2.0 suggests that people are the combination of Intelligence Quotient, personality and emotional intelligence (E.Q.). I.Q. and personality are established and unchangeable. E.Q. can grow and develop. Bradbury and Greaves argue, therefore, that...

Stages of Christian Growth

This Sunday I will sketch four stages of growth for a follower of Jesus. They are inspired by a book called Disciple Shift and its predecessor Real Life Discipleship. You can read through a helpful summary of the stages here (this author uses five instead of four, but...

Is Holiness Possible?

As we go through the Momentum Bible study some important questions are coming up. Is Holiness Possible? “Blessed are the poor in spirit.” Humility is the gateway to all the other blessings in the Beatitudes. “We must see our own wants before we can...

On our way to PERFECT

Listen to how C.S. Lewis says it in Mere Christianity: “Our Lord is like the dentists. If you give Him an inch, He will take [a yard]. Dozens of people go to Him to be cured of some one particular sin which they are ashamed of… Well, he will cure it all right: but He...

Keep Moving Forward!

Throughout the fall we walked through the book of Philippians, lifting our eyes from the challenges in our lives to fix our joy in the Lord. As we begin 2018 we will be studying Romans 8 on Sunday mornings while we discuss an eight week Bible study called Momentum in...