(813) 969-2303 office@oakwoodfl.org

For the winter and Spring of 2022 we will explore our Core Values as a church. These six priorities influence all we believe and do as Christians and as a church. 1) Biblically Grounded; 2) Prayerfully Dependent; 3) Gospel Centered; 4) Relationally Connected; 5) Empowering Everyone; 6) Multiplying Disciplemakers. We will spend 3-8 weeks on each value, seeking to apply them in our lives and our ministries!

Our mission expresses WHY we exist. The pathway shows WHAT we do. Our core values define HOW we go about our mission and the manner in which we implement our strategy. These values are the convictions and priorities that undergird and infuse all we do. They represent the culture we seek to develop at our church. Our values are “The Oakwood Way.” 

Values Part 3 – Gospel Centered (messages 10 – 15)

Values Part 2 – Prayerfully Dependent (messages 4-9)

Values Part 1 – Biblically Grounded (messages 1-3)

15. Gospel Fearless

First century Christians like Paul faced many dangers - from travel and nature to illness and persecution. Paul encouraged the believers with the truth that no matter what physical dangers they might face, their spiritual security in Christ was guaranteed. Nothing can...

14. Gospel Future

The gospel is good news for our past, present and future. Jesus is the Redeemer and Restorer of all things! He will restore the world beyond even the original goodness of Eden. Right now the whole creation groans under the effects of sin. But one day all sin will be...

13. Gospel Family

Can you know for sure that you are saved? How can you have peace, knowing you are right with God? Our passage in Romans 8 for this week shows us three clear signs that you are a child of God. First, you know the voice of the Holy Spirit. Second, you obey the leading...

12. Gospel Focus

The gospel is the good news of how you can be forgiven (Rom. 8:1) and set free from the power of sin (v. 2) as God transforms you from being dead in sin (v. 6-9) to being alive in Christ (v. 3-5, 10-13). The purpose of this gospel freedom and power is not your...

11. Walk in the Spirit

The Gospel immediately confronts our feeble attempts at self-salvation, whether through our own good works or our religious endeavors. Romans 8:3-4 makes it clear that it is impossible for us to save ourselves. Our sinful nature and our sinful choices have crippled...

10. Gospel Freedom

Based on the life and eternity changing good news of Romans 1-7 Paul writes “Therefore,” and begins chapter 8. Romans 8 has been called “the greatest chapter in the greatest book of the Bible.” Spurgeon called it “the diamond of Scripture.” The first two verses...

9. Lead Us Not into Temptation

The Lord’s Prayer concludes with spiritual warfare, calling on our holy, Almighty heavenly Father to “deliver us from evil.” The deliverance we need is not just from the devil and this sinful world - but above all from the sinful desires in our own hearts. Accurate...

8. Forgive Us Our Debts

This Sunday we will continue our series on prayer by looking at the importance of forgiveness. We will learn that forgiveness must not only be received but also given. This is the only part of The Lord’s Prayer that Jesus tells us to ask God for something while saying...

7. Give Us This Day

Of the phrases in the Lord’s prayer, “give us today our daily bread,” may be the one most likely to be misunderstood. Yes, our heavenly Father invites us to bring our daily needs to Him, focusing on needs rather than wants. But a closer look at the parallel passage...

6. Your Kingdom Come

The Lord’s prayer invites us into a miraculous relationship with God as our Father, it challenges us to acknowledge His holy Name and to cry out for all people to honor Him. In the third phrase of this magnificent prayer we are confronted with the need to surrender to...

5. Hallowed be Your Name

“Hallowed be” is not a phrase we use much, but this phrase shows us three steps into worshipful communion with God. 1) See the holiness of God - His uniqueness, righteousness and glory. 2) Celebrate the mercy of God toward unholy people like us. 3) Cry out for the...

4. Our Father in Heaven

Matthew 6, in the middle of the sermon on the mount, provides dangers to avoid in prayer followed by the Lord’s prayer - our model and guide for approaching the Almighty! As we avoid the pitfalls of performance, magic and fatalism we live in the mysterious wonder of...